About Us

Welcome to Ringle Rainbow Nursery for children aged 2 to 5 years. Based in a warm friendly locally based community setting, where every child is catered for and with whom we have a real connection and bond with both children and parents. Where children will have access to the best mentors and resources in a safe and nurturing environment as they Learn, play and explore the world around them. Inspiring trust and confidence to take their next steps.

Our modern and purpose-built facilities within St Faith’s Centre offers a wide range of activities, from outdoor exploration to sensory play, music, art. We can also offer other enriching activities using the wider community centre itself to create unique experiences that promote learning and enhance each child’s learning journey.
We are conveniently located near to parkland and mature woodland to enable outdoor learning on a consistent basis.
We are also located within walking distance to the Kent Library, Maidstone Football Stadium and Whatman Park for trips, and will foster links with these organisations to offer the children further opportunities for fun and learning.